News & Insights

Manner of Manufacture Win

Manner of Manufacture Win

In a recent Patent Office hearing decision relating to a Patent Application for a Waste Management and Processing System, the objection that the invention as claimed was not for a Manner of Manufacture was overturned.

The ever-expanding Australian patent box

The ever-expanding Australian patent box

In the recent 2022 Budget the Patent Box Scheme was extended to patents for low emissions innovations and agricultural and veterinary chemical products listed on the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, the Public Chemicals Registration Information System, or eligible Plant Breeder’s Rights.

Does it look, walk, and quack like a computer?

Does it look, walk, and quack like a computer?

The Full Federal Court has handed down their judgement in Commissioner of Patents v Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Ltd, overturning orders of the primary judge (Burley J) that found that an innovation patent directed toward an electronic gaming machine was patentable subject matter.