Edward Genocchio ■
Registered Patent Attorney
Registered Trade Mark attorney
Edward Genocchio is one of the most Senior Registered Australian and New Zealand Patent Attorneys and Registered Australian Trade Mark Attorneys with 25 years experience. He has been the Principal Manager of the Patent and Design Lodgements Group and a Lead Principal of the Engineering ICT Group of Australia’s largest IP firm.
He has won or been nominated for more than 20 awards locally and globally. Whos Who Legal 2021 Thought Leaders Survey reported “Edward Genocchio is applauded by clients for his “clear communication, insight, curiosity, technical expertise and empathy””. ASCLA Australian Startup of the Year 2021 – ADIONA commented “Like few other great people, Edward Genocchio, you are an amazing ally that’s always there for us. Much appreciated!”
Edward holds a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, a Masters of Industrial Property and a Masters of Legal Studies. His practice specializes in global portfolio management, branding, contentious matters, oppositions, enforcement and commercialization. He is often called upon to apply his extensive experience in engineering, IP law, litigation and business mentoring to formulate local and international multi-country IP strategies for individuals, start-ups, SMEs, Universities, multi-national corporations and law firms.
His practice covers a broad range of industries, such as, consumer and medical products, power generation, AgTech, sanitary ware, food services, packaging, robotics, sports and fitness, construction, mining and the military.
Edward is a member of the Institute of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys of Australia (IPTA), Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand (IPSANZ), American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA), Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA) and the Institute of Managers and Leaders Australia and New Zealand (IML ANZ).

Contact EDward
+61 2 7208 9500